Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Let The Boys Play.

The New York Islanders are in the middle of a seven game series against the Buffalo Sabres and the National Hockey League. I was at the game last night so I was unable to tell if the contrversial goal was just that. But, I knew that Toronto would award the Sabres a goal. What was awful was the fact that the Sabres played what seemed like half the game with too many men on the ice and the refs got in the way of several Islander passes. AND GUESS WHO WAS IN THE BUILDING?!?!?!? GARY BETTMAN!!! NO WONDER THE REFS WERE SO AWFUL ITS BECAUSE COMMISH IS PISSED THE ISLANDERS MADE IT OVER THE LEAFS.
But a positive-the Islanders have hung with the Sabres for most of this series. I truly believe.

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